Gods rule the cosmos and all that is within. As one of these elite beings how will you run the world? What will you create? (Full Up On Characters)
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Again, just for reference, there is no "Africa" in the Middle Realm.
This map is for reference. First come first serve and land claim sizes will be discussed with civility and patience.
Matters will involve IC discussion if the land infringes on the portfolio of another God.
For example; If you wish for a piece of the Ocean, you must work it out with Ulmo IC.
Some Gods/Goddesses by nature are destructive and others protective over the land, so to avoid unnecessary conflict, users will stake a land claim as to discourage chaotic beings from blatantly destroying places of the Middle Realm and to establish a territory or "nation" for the growth of their creations. They will govern these territories.
As nations of mortals, the land claims may change over time with the coming of war and other events of influence.
The Inferno and Paradise aren't included within this Topic.
Land Claims will be updated regularly.
Current Land Claims:
Acanthus- Hl?radr Moutain.(Small territory in Africa)
Aspestis- Land between Africa and India.
Cragin- Arabia.
Nylia- India.
Trelas- Territory the size of India at the Northwestern corner of South America.
Foteea- Underground Western Antarctica, with entrances in Volcanoes at the surface.
Last edited by CussingChild on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"It's not that I believe people are generally bad in nature, it's that..I know it with every fiber of my cold dark being."

CussingChild - Member for 1 years
Aspestis calls for the claim of land between India and Africa.

Gypsy - Member for 0 years
I would like to claim the whole of Arabia and request the small gulf from the hang at the top eastern overhang. IC with Ulmo.
Last edited by CussingChild on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

CussingChild - Member for 1 years
I would like to claim "India" please :3
Last edited by Jadebud98 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jadebud98 - Member for 1 years
Acanthus' Mountain is somewhere in 'Africa'

Midnightclub - Member for 2 years
So I'M a genuis and I posted that in the wrong chat! *facedesk* v)>_<)^ Mountains near the coast.

FollowerOfDarkPaths - Member for 0 years
The most northwest of "South America" a portion of land about the size of "India"
"The laziness is the engine of progress, who invented the wheel was because, obviously, didn't want walk"

Fencer - Member for 0 years
Foteea will take much of the ground under western Antarctica with a couple of entrances near one or two volcanoes.

Laerodon - Member for 0 years
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